Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 12, 2012 - Family Email

Hey that was a really cool letter I really like that guy.

Well ya you got the gist of the email.  The translator in google doesn´t do it correctly.  So send me the email and I will translate it and type it up and send it to you.  After that just do a copy and paste deal, cool?  Pretty much from what I remember is where it says kicked, he wanted to say I am sure you miss him a lot.  I will have to reread it out loud to you when I get home or something so you understand every word.  Ha the man thinks I am going to be an apostle or something, not true.  Yes it is the same Rafa that gave me chicken feet. 
So this last week we had everything set for José to get baptized.  He had stopped smoking for two days in a row and then fell and told us that he was done with the church.  We had the Zone Leaders come out to interview him and that´s when everything got messed up.  Elder Adams and I felt so awful because we had literally put all of our heart into helping him and did everything possible and he just didn´t show up to his interview.  Then the rest of the day he failed us and now we are just done.  He called me last night and told me that he still wants to talk to us and I told him when you stop smoking come to church or call us.  He has done this to us three times now and never changes so we can no longer waste time with him.  So that was kinda sad but we found three new people the next day so the Lord blessed us.  They are Seven Day Adventists so they are pretty hard headed about their beliefs.  The good thing is that they believe in the bible and can´t deny things like prophets, authority and the laying on of hands.  They just think that our church has studied the bible and think about it too much and that´s why we practice those ordinances.  They also will not accept The Book of Mormon yet, so we are still in the process.  They listened to the missionaries a long time ago so they already had The Book of Mormon in their home.  The good thing is that they really believe in The Lord so I know they will get converted one day, soon I hope.  I asked them how they knew that their church is true and they couldn´t answer me.  The mom gave me two long stories and never answered my question and the husband just laughed and said we just accept the church I guess.  Their names are Antonio and Pepi and the daughter named Raquel.  So that is them and they can only meet on Sundays so that is kind of rubbish.  We finally got to sit down seriously with the family that has three kids not baptized and talked about what we I guess hope for them.  Elder Estrada and I taught them on splits and we talked about eternal families and it was a great lesson.  We talked about going to the temple and all of that.  The two girls want to go to church and they love going to church but the parents are holding them back!  How sad!  I hope they change because the parents would be like responsible for their kids salvation!  I love the little girls they liked me and Elder Estrada.  So that is what is happening right now in Jaén.  It has poured buckets of rain all day everyday this week.  We get soaked every single day!  Oh so today we are going to the mission home!! YES!  We have a follow up training meeting. 
Blanca is doing great, she just got released from one of her callings and now is the first or second counselor in the relief society, the poor thing!  But she loves the callings and teaching, she is incredible. 
Oh so I guess I should tell you that I will most likely be leaving on the 6th of December.  I am still here in Jaén for 3 more weeks.  There wasn´t big moves happening because 21 missionaries leave on that day.  So I am guessing that I will be moving that day and President kind of told me with out telling me.  We will see!  So if you are sending stuff do it now and soon to Jaén because I may not be here when the 6th of December comes around.  
So for Christmas Jude, I really don´t care.  You know that I will just want clothes, phone and all that when I get home.  So maybe some creamy JIFFY peanut butter and whatever you all decide.  I really am doing good and don´t need anything special that I can think of. 
I hope I have answered all of your questions!  I love you mom and dad so much.  You both are the best!  What that guy said is true and even more!  You are the best parents in the world and I love you all more than you think.

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