Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Monday, December 24, 2012

December 24, 2012 - Family Email

Hey family how are you??

So yes I got the package!  Thank you all so much!  There is WAY TOO much candy.  I am going to get fat.  I already know the candy is from Heather, she is crazy.  Sorry Jude I couldn´t wait to open the cd´s, but the songs are great, thanks mom!  So it was pretty hot all week, I think I got tan on Saturday I think.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that every Saturday we play soccer so that is nice.  Three weeks ago it hurt so much to run and all but now I am used to it play a lot better. 

So as far as talking tomorrow.  Yes we have Skype.  We are going to talk at the Spainhowers house.  The senor missionary couple have a computer.  So we are trying to figure out the time.  I will let you know by the end of this email.  I am pretty sure I will call at like 8 o clock but I will confirm that.
APs at Zone Conference
Well, what I want for Christmas is....

The Family
So this week was great and we had a lot of work.  The family of Maxi is doing great.  They are progressing really well.  So I know they will get baptized.  They all understand baptism really well because we always talk about it.  They may get baptized this weekend so cross your fingers and pray.  They are still coming to church and reading.  I really love this family so much!  The Spanish family is doing great as well.  The oldest daughter kind of had a rebellion against us because she doesn´t like our beliefs on gays and lesbians, but she prayed again when we left.  The mom, two daughters and the little son came to church this Sunday, unreal!!  They also have baptismal dates in January for the 12th.  They are doing really well and I know they will get baptized!!  Also we are teaching two Cubans that want to get baptized.  They are doing well and they have a date as well for the 12th of January.

http://www.mormonchannel.org/more-videos?v=2008190983001  Watch this video it is amazing I cried.  Just copy the link and it will load to the page.  

We also found a lady through a member.  It is the mom of a member and she has potential and we will see where she ends up.  Also we found a family from Colombia that is really nice.  We taught them yesterday, so, they are really new and busy so we will see how that goes.  I know they aren´t married so we will have to see what we can do.  We had a really good week and we kept really busy.  The last three nights I have been able to sleep but I still have a little cough every once in a while so that is annoying when we have to teach but all is well.  

So for Christmas Eve we are going to a members house to eat and then for Christmas Day we have a little district meeting that we have to do.  Then around 6 we are going to the Spainhowers.  So they said we are going to be calling from 6 to 9 our time.  So I will most likely be calling last, so my guess is at like 8 my time okay??  Sorry it´s not very specific but it´s all we got.  They are going to be out of the house until six tomorrow.  

Well that was my week and have questions for tomorrow.
Elder Cody

December 17, 2012 - Family Email

In Seville I can take you to the Plaza de España where they filmed Star Wars.  I really don´t mind seeing the cathedrals so if you wanted to do that with her go for it.  So in Jaén the baptism would be at like 7 o clock I think and Seville is like 2 to 3 hours away driving.  Church starts at 10:30 to 1:30.  

So this week was great we worked really hard and I am sick as a dog!!  I haven´t gotten this sick on my mission yet so I guess it was my turn!  I haven´t stopped working and I haven´t slept good the past three

This is where I live no big deal.  this is taken from our house window!!!
I see the sun rise orange and red every morning
So we have now set baptismal dates with Maxi´s family.  The Dad never ended up moving out.  He had moved out the day of Maxi´s baptism and then they went to Church and that same night he moved back in.  They came to church this last week again and they came to the Christmas dinner.  The family is really starting to like us and they still aren´t very sure about baptism but we are working our hardest.  The Dad always takes us back home because they live in a village about 20 minutes away and this last week he took us to the other side of Málaga.  So the dads name is Luis and the mom Lidia and the daughter Micaela.  They are so good!  I love the family.  The daughter and I get a long, I sat by her in the Christmas dinner this last Friday and she even went up and sang with the young women.  So she is doing great!  The mom is going to be the hard headed one in the family I think!  The father cried when he prayed for the first time with us, I think he was praying for us when he started to cry.  The dad really likes us a lot.  I believe the bishop is going over to their house today to teach them about families and stuff for Family Home Evening.  They are now pretty involved in the church and I am positive they will get baptized.
The Spanish family is doing really well.  We set dates with them for the 12th of January.  They have problems coming to church but we are going to start involving members in the lessons.  We taught them last night with a returned sister missionary and they really like her.  The oldest daughter even prayed twice last night and accepted the baptismal date.  We still need to teach her about her whole problem and that might not go down too well but she likes us and is progressing a lot.  
The Cubans are doing okay.  We really didn´t teach them this last week but they are there and not a lot to say.  They are freaking flaky people but I think we will get a baptism out of them.  We are mostly just really working with these two families mentioned above.  I want to see both of them baptized so bad!!!  
We had a cool experience this last Friday after the Christmas party.  A member called my comp and went out and talked to this guy.  He has anxiety disorder and really afraid to leave the house.  So we go over and the guy is so nice and we give him a blessing and all.  After I give him a paper that I did a study for like 3 hours all the way back in El Puerto a year and four months ago.  Do you remember Betty?  The girl from Bolivia?  Well yeah I did a study for her and then she disappeared.  SO everyday of my mission I have had this paper with like 20 scriptures linked about fear and faith in the Book of Mormon and I gave it to the guy.  I was always wondering why I did that study and I totally forgot that I had that paper with me and I gave it to this guy.  He was really in need and was thinking about killing himself and all.  Well he came to church and he told us that he is doing good.  
So that was my week in Málaga and we are doing good.  I hope you all have fun traveling this week and we have Zone Conference this week and it´s Christmas themed so I am excited!  Love you all and I am pretty sure I will get the package soon.  

Baby Cody

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 10, 2012 - Family Email

Elder Norton and Maxi (12/8/12)
Stop hurting yourself I need to be there and take care of you!  Well I guess má girl is taking care of you!  Make sure you are healed before you come out to Spain. 
Well Málaga is UNREAL.  I already had a baptism but I totally left my camera home again.  I used to be really good at that stuff but now that I know I am going to see you so soon it just almost makes me forget.  So I promise that you will have the photos the next week.  So I got there on Wednesday and the next morning we go to teach this guy named Maxi with a baptismal date for Saturday.  We get there and he starts crying.  The poor kids parents just separated and they have been married his whole life!  Maxi is 27 years old so that was really hard on him.  I felt like I was there just to help him out because he needs support and is a really sensitive guy.  He is from Argentina and has lived here for about 11 years.  His whole family came to his baptism and church the next day.  His father, mother and little sister.  We set baptismal dates with the mom and daughter and the dad just is kind of there.  We are hoping that through the church they will be able to save their marriage.  So that is what is going on, I love people from Argentina!  Also we found a huge family of Cubans that all want to get baptized and two of them came to church.  I think out of all the Cubans there is 9 people so we have some work to do there!  Also we are teaching a Spanish family.  A mom and her three daughters.  They are really progressing and came to church last week but not this week.  The name of the mom is Inma and her daughters are Inma(18), Laura(11) and Noelia(9).  Great family and they really love the missionaries.  One thing though is that the oldest daughter is lesbian but really likes us and gave me a DUFF beer from the Simpson's and made me carry it out.  I felt bad like rejecting her because it was a gift and she knows we wont drink so that is why she gave it to me.  So they are progressing and all committed to be baptized.  We are going to be setting a date with them this next week.  
Maxi and his family
So Elder Norton is from PG, Utah.  Haha I was a little off there.  His name is Samuel Parker Norton.  He is unreal and I love him to death.  He has crazy energy and I think it will be impossible for him to make me mad.  He just wants to help people and is just a great missionary.  He speaks great Spanish already and has been in the mission for 9 months.  So I think he has a pic of the baptism so I will send it over to you.
The Spainhowers, Elder Barahona, Elder Geest and his new companion Elder Norton
So here is what I am thinking:
- Thursday we will be in Málaga and there is a party here I think that day
- Friday we will be at Gibralter and then go straight to Sevilla
- Saturday be there in the morning for a little then be at the baptism
- Sunday go to church and leave right after or eat there in Jaén and go to Cáceres.  Really there is only one family there to see and maybe the branch president. 
- Monday go to Mérida and maybe go back to Caceres really shortly and then sleep up in Madrid
That is what I have thought up and you basically guessed it so ya!
I love you all.  These are really bad pictures but that is Maxi´s family and I don´t have one of them and then me and the Norton.
Elder Cody

Monday, December 10, 2012

December 3, 2011 - Family Email

Hey family how are you????

Good Bye Sebas and Rosana
OKay so I am going to Málaga!!!!  I am so excited to go there because it´s my missions name.  So I will be with Elder Norton, he is a young Elder and I am supposed to go and help him out.  He is a really energetic Elder and will be a good leader soon.  I am going to go and just baptize people there.  I am going to go work my hardest!  So here is my new address:
Goya 2,13,3
29002, Málaga (Málaga)
So there is my new address and I will still be the District Leader.  For some reason President likes me teaching all the missionaries. I just tell him I am an old fart but he says that he would prefer me teaching all the missionaries.  He is crazy.  I had a really good interview with him this last week and we talked about my patriarchal blessing because there is a part that kind of scares me and he told me that is most likely what I think.  Oh also I am pretty sure my new companion is from Arizona so that is my third from Arizona, there must be a lot of members there.
On top of a castle Granada
Oh by the way Rafa wants you all to write him back in English, he understands a lot of it.  He was in Utah this summer for like a month so he speaks a little English.
This is my family.  The girl in white is my daughter Hermana Cano, she is Spanish; and her trainer is Hermana Torres from San Antonio Texas, she is my wife.  Then the other missionary is my son

So this last week was unreal.  We met a guy from Bolivia and he literally just accepted whatever we taught him and I totally convinced him of his Catholic ways.  I didn´t convince him with facts only, it was a really spiritual lesson.  We met with him again and set a baptismal date for the 16th of February.  His name is Jesús.  He wants to teach his family of the stuff he is learning also.  So I know he will get baptized.  Yes we did set a baptismal date with Jorge last night.  He is doing good and really wants to get baptized. He just needs to make more time he says to read and come to church.  We set the date for the 22nd of December.  Rosa we weren´t able to meet with this week but we talked to her.  She is doing good though and is very honest with us.  Jorge´s roommates weren´t in this week, they are going to need help little by little but I think they will get locked in.  Well at least one of them will.  English Class was a little messed up this last week, only the two originals came to class.  I think there was a lot of testing so the girl and the family were caught up studying in the house.

12 lions???

This Sunday was unreal.  It was the most depressing Sunday ever.  So Javier the less active was sustained to be ordained to be Priest and then he shares his testimony and it was so powerful.  I bore my testimony right after him and cried a lot.  After I just sat down and cried for 20 minutes.  I don´t know why I cried but all I know is that I love all the members here in Jaén with all my heart.  I have talked about the Mexican family here, well the son was ordained to be a priest and he asked me to do it after church.  So that was the first for me.  The family is making me a dinner tomorrow night I am stoked.  Today we went and got churros and chocolate today with the branch president, it´s a breakfast thing.  Today at 2 we are going to lunch as well with Sara the Mexican girl.  I just love all the members and I tried my hardest, all I had to do was strengthen the branch and I think that´s why I was crying.  I love the mission, it´s the best.  So I want to be here Saturday afternoon and Sunday for church.  I don´t want it any other way.  We can go to Cáceres right after church.  You can talk to me about coming out, it wont make me trunky.
Well that was my week in a nut shell´.  I love you all.  PS I am going to buy a jacket because mine is falling apart.  Merry Christmas!
You are the best!