Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 22, 2012 - Family Email

Hey family how are you???

Well sorry if there are errors in this letter because the keyboard is broken and I can´t even read the window hardly because I shrunk it down to look at all the pictures and I can´t make it bigger.   So I hope that you are able to read and understand my email.  Man I love Damon so much.  I emailed him here and there in the mission, I just never had a lot of time but he would send me stuff here and there.  I hope he is doing well and I know he was a beast missionary.  He was always trying to reactivate his family and friends his whole mission.  Well I hope he can get his family going good, well his dad and brother.  That makes me really sad to hear they got divorced but I don´t really know the story.  I would like to email Damon, could you get his email address that he uses now?? 
So this last week was really short and not a lot happened.  We are just trying to find new people to teach.  Paqui and Belén pretty much have fallen off the face of the earth so I don't know what to really say about them.  I haven´t met with them for over a week or so.  We are teaching a guy named José and he is doing really well.  We set his baptismal date a long time ago for this weekend but he needs to fully stop smoking so that is kind of the bummer.  However on the convert side of things everyone is doing well.  Alba gave a talk yesterday in sacrament meeting.  She is really progressing well and the members love her now and she is helping her father stay really active in the church which I don´t think he really has ever in his life.  We taught a less active family and we are going to try and work with the kids but the parents are really far off from the church as far as the word of wisdom goes.  We are trying to be their friends so they trust us and like us and keep trying to work with the kids.  I need to buck up and start trusting in the Lord and know that he will put miracles in our paths.  I have been kind of doubtful recently because we really don't have a lot of work right now.  We baptized all the work we had and now I just have to find again.  I also feel that the branch lost their excitement and help because they just seem dry of references because they gave us all they had.  There isn´t a lot of active members and the less actives it seems have been less active for 20 years and don't want a single thing no matter what you say.  I am trying to follow the words of the prophet and find the less actives and find through them but they just don't want anything.  Spain is different¨but I love the people here.  The branch is still so nice and I feel like they love me but it´s always the same people that are helping us.  So we are just going to go to the streets and find new people and trust that the Lord will give us new people that want to listen.  I have seen miracles from contacting and working with the members and I know the Lord loves Jaén and will make miracles happen here again.
Well my companion is doing great we get along great and he is learning a lot.  Spain is really new for him because he is used to a very clean sheltered home and he doesn´t like change.  For example we were passing by an old investigators home and it was in a really really scary neighborhood were all the Gypsies live.  So we walk up 5 stories in this super sketchy building and there is Gypsies everywhere sitting on the floor; girls yelling at us and getting in our faces and all, there was also poo all over them and the floors and trash.  So we knock on the door and she wasn´t there in the home.  So the whole time we are walking up the stairs Elder Adams is whispering in my ear say what the heck are we doing here and he said it like a hundred times and I was just smiling and so after the lady wasn´t home, Elder Adams just takes off running down the stairs while all the Gitanos-Gypsies are yelling at us and flies out the door!!  Hahaha oh it was so funny and he was so mad at me for making him go into the building.  They really aren´t dangerous people just dirty and they rob you every once in awhile but I have never had problems.  So he is doing great though, and picking up on the language little by little.  So that was my week!! Pray to help us find people please!!
I love you all.

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