Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Thursday, June 7, 2012

May 28, 2012 - Family Email

Okay how is everyone??

So this last week was a little rough!  Good news, I am not leaving SEVILLA!!!  Elder Lignell is getting transferred and I am staying here and getting Elder Estrada.  Elder Estrada is from Utah but was born in Guatemala.  I played soccer against him once because he went to Olympus High School.  I am super stoked for him to come here and be a Zone Leader with me.  He is also coming from El Puerto haha.  So I am excited for things to change around the piso and my boy Elder Seely is going to train!!!  So we will all live together and I am so ready for Elder Masterson and Lignell to get out of the piso because they are gross!!  They suck at cleaning and I am sick of making my comp´s bed every morning. 
My new address because we are moving is:

c/ LEON XIII 14, 4·C
49001, Sevilla, (Sevilla)

Elder Banbury and Hermana Letendre
So send the package here we move in on Wednesday and I am in charge of all the transfers and there is like 20 missionaries going through Sevilla.  I am going to be really busy these next couple of days with moving, cleaning, teaching and transfers!  Oh well, it will be a good experience for me.  So today we had a P-Day in the piso of the Elder´s in Utrera, that is where Elder Banbury lives.  We had a Zone bbq so there is a little photo with Elder Banbury and Hermana Letendre.  Hermana Letendre is the best missionary in the world, probably due to the fact that she is 26 and a Lawyer.  We were all wearing the same jersey so we had to take a picture! 
So we finally found out where Grace and Isabel have been.  Grace got surgery and they are completely terrified of getting baptized too fast even though they are ready.  We still haven´t talked to them because they won't answer the bloody phone.  We will get in contact with them.  We also got in contact with Rosa, Katerine and Lorena.  Katerine has really bad health problems.  She has Scoliosis back problems and when she gets nervous she goes like into shock and can´t breath and her legs go numb.  So we were trying to get her baptized this weekend and wanted to give her a blessing to feel better and she went into shock and it was really scary.  Elder Lignell was pushing it really hard just to get another baptism before he takes off.  She came to church the next day though with Rosa and then later that night Lorena and a member made a crap load of food and fed like six missionaries and we had a mini party for Elder Lignell and Masterson.  I came late because I was doing numbers in the church for the Zone.  Elder Banbury and I did a split that night so that was fun!  We did good this week finding new investigators.  We found 7 new people that hopefully will have potential.  One of the seven is Nadia´s little sister that has come to church like 3 weeks in a row.  Her name is Loana and she is good friends with one of Elder Seely´s recent converts.  So she is looking really well and has a lot of potential.  She used to not talk to any of the missionaries at all and would ignore us.  The first time we taught her she cried for some reason I hope it was that she felt the Holy Ghost which she wouldn´t really admit.  We are going to bring Elder Seely´s recent convert with us to help teach her so she feels more comfortable even though she is starting to open up to us.  So things around here are looking good!  I gotta take off I am running late today.  I love you all so very much and next week I am going to the mission home for Zone Leader Conference so hopefully I write you Monday!  
Katerine, Rosa, and Mom
I love all of you and good luck with the WEDDING!  CONGRATS BRADY AND JAYCEE I AM PRAYING FOR YA´LL!

It's party time!

The girls at the party
Elder Cody

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