Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 11, 2012 - Family Email

Hello everyone!!

Well that was fun, I loved seeing everyone in those pictures!  I feel a lot better after seeing those!  Zac looks like a little cute kid.  He also looks like a Hafen.  So about the packages, the only time that the missionaries are coming up here to Sevilla before the end of the transfer is tomorrow for Zone Conference.  So don´t send them to the base because who knows how long it will take for them to get to me.  I could leave Sevilla at the end of this transfer because I have been here for 4 transfers.  So just send the package here to the address I already gave you.  I am sure we aren´t moving, we have already spent a lot of money and they still haven´t done a single thing to the apartment. 

Well this last week was really good, we went to Zone Leader Conference which was weird because it was the last one for the Clegg´s which is super sad.  It was really weird the first 20 minutes of Pres Clegg´s presentation or talk whatever you want to call it (we also call them TALLER which is a Spanish word and I no longer remember the English word) was about marriage.  He talked about never feeling guilty for thinking about a girl friend or a girl.  He told us to pray to know when the moment comes to propose to her.  It was really amazing.  He also focused on not waiting for a big sign from God to know to marry a girl when he was giving you signs from when you had first met her.  I really liked it.  After he stopped talking about that he was like "I am not sure why I said that" haha.  Hermana Clegg knows I have a girl friend and she thinks that Heather is gorgeous, she made me show her a picture.  Then in the middle of President Clegg´s talk about marriage he gave me crap because I had never mentioned I had a girl friend and they like to know about that.  Usually they just give Manning crap about girls haha.  Well anyway they really focused on our responsibilities as Zone Leaders and transition to the new President.  It was really good and made me excited for change even though I am going to cry when they leave.

So this last week we had a lot of success and reached the standards of excellence.  We really worked hard and I love my comp.  Estrada and I get a long really well and he just wants to work hard and be obedient.  I love the difference and the feel of the change of companions.  He is for sure one of my favorites with Shaver, Waite and Banbury.  We did a lot of finding while teaching.  So we found three new people that showed up to church yesterday because they met a member named Diego.  We taught them last night and they are amazing.  One of the guys named Mauricio, I contacted him twice in the street and got his number twice but never really called him.  Well they were great.  Their names are Mauricio, Jorge and his wife Betty.  They are all from Ecuador.  So Lorena, Katerine and Rosa.  They are going okay, not really progressing to baptism.  They love us more than anything and would probably die if we didn´t pass by the house.  So we are going to drop them this next week if they aren´t going to get baptized at the end of the month.  We will tell them that there are other people that want to get baptized and we are going to go find them instead of wasting our time here.  They may or may not freak out a little but we have tried everything and they won't drop the coffee and commit to a baptismal date.  So Olga and Rosalia are doing well they haven´t come to church yet but they did come to see a baptism on Saturday and they loved it and thought it was so beautiful.  We had 9 investigators in church and 4 come to a baptism this last weekend.  Florencio is a new guy we are teaching from Ecuador.  He is really good and he kinda like broke down to us and told us that he has never really ever in his life been happy.  He has had a crappy life and not very sure if God exists.  He believes in him but doesn´t know how it feels because he has never been happy.  So pray for him.  Also we taught a new girl that is super cute and cool from Nicaragua.  Her name is Paula and she is 22.  She loves us and really likes our message and is reading the BOM.  She hasn´t been to church yet.  Well Loana is doing great and has read 4 chapters out of the BOM and really likes it, which is amazing.  She is coming around and really likes us now.  She has been to church 4 times and and she is still on for the 23rd.   Well the work here is doing well and we are working our butts off!  I have to give a lecture to my zone tomorrow with Estrada I am excited.  I also have to say bye to the Clegg´s for the last time tomorrow!  I am not happy about that.  Seely´s new kid is awesome, a real big sweetie I love him to death.  He is from American Fork. 

Well I love you all!

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