Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 18, 2012 - Family Email


Pres Clegg's Last Zone Conference
Hey I just got back from playing soccer and it was great!!  I had a lot of fun.  It is really weird I always play forward because no one else scores a lot.  I almost make like every attempt at goal so that is fun.  So today we played all white Americans against all Spaniards and we wrecked them.  I have no idea how a bunch of Americans that don´t play soccer that much beats a team at their favorite sport.  So that is news for you; America is still the best country at everything we do.

So this week was really good and super busy at the same time.  Planning for Zone Conferences are always really hard work and usually take up a good chunk of time.  We spent all Monday afternoon after P-Day setting up the whole place.  So Elder Seely did a musical number that was unreal.  Have ya´ll seen the movie 17 Miracles?  It´s about the Willy Handcart company?  Well there is a song in there that this man remade of the hymn "Savior Redeemer of My Soul" and Seely sang it and it was soo good.  He got a member to play the Piano and the Flute and Pres Clegg started weeping right at the start of the song and it made it really hard for Seely to hit the high notes at the first.  So I recommend watching movie, well buying it and listen to the song.  The movie is amazing, I cried like 10 times and it really made me really appreciate the Pioneers.  When I went on the trek I didn´t know what to think or care, but now that I know that the church is really true I love them with all my heart.  Zone Conference was good I loved working with Elder Estrada everything feels good.  Estrada he is focused and we have a lot of fun together.  We taught lessons to the Zone about planning.  We used the little story about Nephi building the boat and applied it to planning.  We didn´t have a lot of time to teach it, so Pres Clegg was mad at me haha.  I can´t wait for you to meet them, you will feel like you are next to an apostle when you give him a hug.  I can´t wait for you all to hear his talk, speaking of that make Heather go with you to listen.  He is the most amazing man, you will have to tell me what he speaks on and my guess is he will talk on hearing the voice of the Lord. 

Singing "God Be with You Till We Meet Again" at Zone Conference
Okay so the investigators this week was a little rough.  Loana is being insane and said that she doesn´t want the church anymore.  Her mom is a member and LOVES to argue like none other.  So she always yells at her daughters and so in fighting back Loana said she wants nothing to do with the church.  So we had a member go and talk to her and she is making it all better.  The member is also going over again today to talk to her so good thing Elder Seely baptized this little 14 year old girl because she is the one helping us out.  We are also getting the house all fixed up so that has been taking up a little time as well.  We ended up dropping Lorena, Katerine and Rosa.  We think it was the best thing for them and I am super sad.  I honestly don´t know what I did wrong or what I didn´t do for them.  I gave them my whole effort and all my testimony.  They have been to church 8 times now.  I am really bummed that we had to do that.  We only talked to them for 5 minutes and took off, we didn´t really say good bye or anything so we will see.  We told them to call when they want to progress.  They really love the missionaries so we will see if they come back.  We are told to have enough faith to drop good people to be able to find more.  Grace and Isabel lie and completely dropped us.  I see them around in the street every once in a while.  They make me sad as well and I have no idea why they don´t want it.  I bet they have read the whole Book of Mormon.  The new people are doing great, well Mauricio is a little flaky but Jorge and Betty are awesome.  They have been to a baptism and to church twice.  They have felt the spirit and we tried to set a date with them and they think they need to be 100 percent prepared.  So we will just keep working with them and we still have a lot to teach.  Rosalia and Olga are not really progressing, they haven´t been to church and they are super hard to get with.  Rosalia is super weird and she doesn´t even care about learning.  So that is about all with the investigators and we got 7 new ones this week and if they are progressing more I will let you know how they are going.  So I love you all so much! 

Sending some awesome Sisters home
Father Happy FATHERS DAY AND B DAY.  I didn´t forget because Americans from Utah showed up and they reminded me it was fathers day.  So I love you and I was thinking about you.  How old are you 25?


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