Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 21, 2012 - Family Email

Well here are some fotos! 

We had the baptism of ya boy Julián!  We got all the members to do everything like baptize him and give him the Holy Ghost.  It was a great baptism a lot more members came for the first time and even President Clegg and Hermana Clegg were there!  President Clegg even talked at the very end of the baptism it was excellent.  Elder Lignell and I had to give talks in the baptism Julián made us speak haha.  Julián gave his testimony at the baptism as well it was really special and the Spirit was so strong.  He is a truly converted person and I know he will have leadership here in the church one day.  He comes to church every week in a suit and tie and he is just the best.  I thought he was 30 but he really is 42!  So the baptism was great. 

Elder Manning, of course! :)
The other is Elder Pratt, he was one of my ZL´s when I was in Puerto.
So the work is good.  We had a really rough week.  Grace and Isabel dropped off the face of the earth and wont talk to us at all.  We don´t know where they went or why.  So all we can do is keep trying and try to get them baptized.  Sorry but there is nothing really to say more about them because I haven´t seen them in over a week.  Katerine is doing well, she was going to get baptized with Julián but she said she wanted to do it next week and we fought with her a while and she said she drank a cup of coffee and felt really bad.  So she is getting baptized next week so that will be good.  We will still try and work with Rosa.  We have plans to bring members with us to try and help us get her to commit.  The mom is great and said she will be baptized in the future.  So I won't be there for that but she just needs more time and she needs to be friends with some members.  Lorena just works all the time this month and it really ruined our week with lessons!!  We didn´t meet with Bridgette at all this week either.  We had a really rough week but we got a baptism.  I am happy no worries!  I am really sick of living with the people I live with though, except for Seely he helps me clean the place.  The piso is literally disgusting and we just cleaned it.  The kitchen is clean and the bathroom because that is what Elder Seely and I cleaned.  The floors look like they didn´t even get swept or mopped and that was Elder Mastersons and Lignells job.  I also make my comps bed everyday haha.  Oh well I think I am out of here soon.  Well the work goes good and we did a lot of finding this past week out in the streets so hopefully we will see some new investigators this next week and some baptisms!  Pray hard for Katerine, Rosa, Grace and Isabel!  They just opened up a new mission in Africa, well a new area that is part of our mission so the AP and Elder Bailey are going out there today!  Elder Manning is staying AP solo until the end of the transfer.  Well that is about all I got for you about teaching!  This last week we had Zone Conference and I had to practically do almost all of the setting up!  I really have a lot of lazy people that surround me except for Elder Seely.  Things wouldn´t get done all the way or correctly if I didn´t do it!  But the Zone conference worked out great and Elder Manning told me that he loves how prepared it was.  So that made me feel good but I didn´t tell him I practically set it all up myself!  Well I am doing great and I will find out if I stay or go this Saturday!  I love you all!  You are all amazing.  So yeah wait to send the package.
Our district with the Hermanas, they are great! I love them.
Elder Hafen

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