Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

November 28, 2011 - Email to Family

I am laughing in the subject of my email because that was really loooong instructions of what I should do with all of those medicines.  So I hope there is other instructions inside the package!  But wow, thank you for doing all of that for me!  You all are my angels! (Mom, Mama Stratton and Heather). 
How are all of you?
Well I had a really good week, well the start of the week was rough but it all ended up good.  I have been in a grumpy mood kinda because I am sick of our piso and the workers have keys to it and they come in and out of it as they please.  We are moving out of it though in like 30 days.  The Land Lord should be receiving an email today telling them that we are out!  President Clegg said that we can no longer live in that piso!  There is mold every where and our piso just smells no matter how much bleach I use to clean it.  We have been piso hunting, something I thought I would never have to do in Spanish.  It isn´t bad I can say now that I never really get lost in a conversation and I can Speak pretty good.  It is weird, I don´t know when you can say you are fluent or not.  I would say I am not because I need to grow my vocab!  But as far as conjugating verbs into the right form, I can do that fast now when talking!  Speaking of Spanish I gave a talk in church and I didn´t even plan it out.  I received a call about an hour before sacrament meeting and I talked for 20  minutes straight. After the branch President said I was Elder Holland haha.  I went up and dropped the law down about reading the scriptures.  Speaking of scriptures I have a reading assignment for all of you.  I just read Alma 5 this morning and it´s one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon.  So you all should read it this week, it soo powerful!
So this week was really good.  We had a combined District Meeting with the zone down in Cádiz.  That was a lot of fun!  But on the train ride guess who just appears out of no where as a missionary, a new little missionary???  Reese Jackson! haha remember Reese from the Rangers?  Yeah I played soccer with him when I was just a little guy.  Of course he is still taller than me and all!  But he entered into the MTC in August and just barely got here like a week ago and he is serving in my Zone in a city called Algerciras.  So that was so funny to see him and talk to him for a while.  Small world huh?  So after the District Meeting we went to the Osmond´s home on base.  That was super good and we ate a lot of food, but it didn´t feel like Thanksgiving without my family or THE YAMS.  She made yams, but they weren´t Grandma Hafen´s yams.  So that was still way fun.  There were other members there, a young couple that are in their 30's.  They don´t have any children yet!  The guy's job is he takes apart bombs!  He jumpes out of planes and sneaks up and disarms a gosh dang Iraqi bomb.  So that guy is awesome, they feed us a lot.  But the Osmond´s are sweet hearts and invited us over to eat some Turkey.  The turkey was awesome! 
So cool story it was Friday night and I was rather upset.  We were about to get new investigators but the people weren´t home of course because they are Bolivians.  So our plans fell through and we had gone all week with out finding new people to teach.  That is what we are doing now because no one is progressing, only Adrian.  So I was mad and I just started walking fast and contacting everyone I see while passing by old investigators homes.  I get 2 futures which is okay and it´s about time to go home and we are walking by a corner and these two ladies yell at us and ask who we are.  So we talk to them for a while and one is from Brazil and the other Paraguay. YES!  So they told us they wanted to come to church and get a Bible.  We thought ha yeah whatever we will see if they show up to church.  So sacrament ends on Sunday and we walk out of the room and there standing in the hall way is the lady from Paraguay and her boy friend.  So she comes to the investigator class and she is super smart and she offered the last prayer and said thanks for helping me find these people and putting these boys in my path!  ha it was awesome!  We are going to teach her the Restoration on Wednesday and see how she is going.  She is a believer and loves this church.  She was asking me how do I become a member of this church?  She is Catholic and practices the Catholic church.  But that isn´t gonna stop us!  It seems whenever I am getting down or feel like we don´t have work, the Lord always comes through! We are imperfect and human and always mess up, but the Lord blesses us!  We also have one more person to start teaching a kid from El Salvador, his mom is a member and he just moved here a month ago.  So we are gonna see him too!  I am excited for the work!  I am doing good and I hope I answered all of your questions.  I have some questions!

1.  All of my quicksilver shirts, could you send them in one of the packages?  There is a member here a little boy that thinks quicksilver is the nicest brand in the world, so everything that is quicksilver could you send? I am gonna give it to him.  I remember all my quicksilver shirts are too small!

2.  Some aftershave in the package.  I think that´s it! 


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