Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 12, 2011 - Family Email

You saw Elder Solari??  NO WAY!  HE was a beast missionary!!  He was the most amazing contactor in all of the mission.  He was one of the youngest AP´s then after that he turned into travelling AP.   He was the most nice person I have ever met.  He was one of the missionaries that everyone looked up to that was humble, nice and sweet to all the kids, even the kids that weren´t way outgoing.  That is amazing that you saw him!  I remember 2 weeks into the field I had heard about Elder Solari and we were walking to Zone Conference with a group of missionaries and Elder Solari was being so nice to me because I was freaking out about the language and I was scared and he just sat there and talked to me.  Nice kid, that makes me so happy you ran into him.  I am going to email him and tell him thanks. 
So before I start about the week I need to thank Brother Bryce.  He wrote me a long nice letter that I got last week.  He is a the sweetest man in the whole world.  He told me that he reads my blog every week so he will be reading this!  Thank you Brother Bryce!  and Andy Bryce!  Good luck buddy tear it up!!  The second is I am going to be sending a letter to the house that is for Maddi Jones.  She also wrote me a letter that got sent with a bunch of letters from the ward.  I don´t know her address and I will be writing it today.  The other is I forgot to respond to the question about the quicksilver shirts.  Could you get some for this kid?  I am guessing an adult small would be PERFECT.  He is this little 12 year old Bolivian member that is the missionaries best friend.  Oh one more thing, could you write a thank you card to Brother Ortegon?  He is awesome and some past elders in the mission are taking advantage of the whole base deal and he received 9 packages last week and only one of them was mine and one other was Elder Brown´s.  I only got the one so far.  It takes a little to receive them because they have to go through customs.  I am going to his house this Wednesday for dinner so hopefully he has my other package!  Oh yeah, I am staying in EL PUERTO.  My package that I sent to you all should be there soon.  It got sent last Monday one week ago.  Send everything to the base still!
Okay so yeah we had a good week.  We got 2 new investigators, still searching for the good ones that want to listen.  But we saw a lot of progress with people.  So to start off I don´t know if you ever remember me mentioning about Patricio and Jhardelin.  Well Patricio is an in active member and Jhardelin is his wife.  Patricio is from Ecuador and she is from Peru.  Well Jhardelin is not a member and kinda catholic.  She has been hearing from the missionaries for years and never got baptized.  Well her husband doesn´t want her to get baptized and neither did she.  She always has been having doubts and everything about the church.  But me and Elder Brown have been teaching her AWESOME lessons.  She loves Jesus so much.  She absolutely loves the Plan of Salvation.  Well yesterday after we taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ she told us that she wants to be baptized!!  Well Patricio said no and he doesn´t want to be the one to baptize her.  She asked us how many more lessons we have left to teach her and I told her 3 left.  Patricio wants his brother to come home from the mission in 14 months to baptize her but she says she doesn´t want to wait.  I have been teaching this family for 4 and half months!  I love them so much!  She makes awesome food from Peru, I die every time I go over there it´s soooo good.  I would love nothing more then to see her get baptized.  They have a really complicating story that I will explain to you over Christmas.  So Adrian will mostly likely be getting baptized the 22nd this month!  WOOH!  His grandpa is here and a sweet man.  I talked to him for awhile at church yesterday.  Elena came to church yesterday and we taught her the Restoration and she liked it a lot.  After she came to sacrament and it was the children's program.  She loved the children's program because there is like 10 kids that are fluent in English and Spanish.  She loved it.  We see a lot of progress with her.  The other kid we got, I forgot to tell you about, is Elihu.  He is from El Salvador and awesome! We serve in two areas kinda.  A place called Rota and El Puerto.  Rota is on the other side of the Base.  Well Elihu´s mother is a member but works on Sundays.   So he has a really hard time coming to church.  He reads the Book of Mormon and believes and loves our church.  We have have taught him twice now.  He is a new investigator of about 2 weeks.  He is 21 years old.  Henry and Paloma, the same.  We couldn´t even meet with them this week.  They are so lazy and don't want anything. Pepi is too sick to come to church and loves the Virgin Mary.  So I think that is about it for investigators.  The two new investigators are Paco from Spain, that is atheist and Saida from Bolivia that doesn´t want anything.  We are trying with them though!
Thanks so much for the package!  You are amazing parents I love you sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My comp says thanks for the calender!  Tell Heather's mother thank you and I will do everything she tells me! 
I love you guys!

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