Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 5, 2011 - Family Email

Hello family how are you??
Cody having Thanksgiving with his district. The Elder you see first on the left is Elder Reese Jackson - Cody played soccer with him on Rangers. Elder Jackson just arrived in Spain a few weeks ago and they ran into each other and had a great reunion. So fun!
Well just to be quick and get this over with mom.  My skin is fine!  So you don´t need to worry about that.  I still have the little bumps on the back of my neck so when the stuff gets here I will take it.  So I have not received my package yet.  I will probably get it at the Christmas Party this Friday because the American´s live like 20 minutes from the church.  So I really hope I don´t get transferred.  The 14th of December are transfers.  I would miss all my other packages!!!  But I will make sure Elder Brown gives them to President and I will have to wait a while probably.  So my package for all of you should be sent today!  I gave it to a member yesterday and he should be putting it in the mail today or some day this week.  I sent it to the house so be on the look out.  I put a lot of effort into this package it stressed me out some times.  I put a letter on top with all of the instructions!  I will be sure to write Grandma Hafen a letter.  I made Christmas cards and I was going to send her one.  She always writes me.  I get a letter almost every 3 weeks.  I have written her back no worries!  Her last letter I couldn't read her cursive though!  I will need your help after the mish.  So I let you know the people that I was personally sending them to and the rest I asked if you could deliver them!  Thanks mother.  Okay real fast I would like after shave because it smells good and feels good.  I don´t get irritated there, rarely I will get one tiny little pimples under there.  I would like two small things in the package really quick.  1. A floss refill 2. retainer cleaner tablet things.  Okay so have I answered everything? I hope so.  Now the week:
So the week went really well.  I can say I have done a lot of work since I got to El Puerto.  Often I feel like I have done nothing because it´s a hard area to find people that want to do stuff.  But I have tried really hard and worked a lot of less actives to try and get them back.  I have grown a lot here.  I am getting really close with the members here.  This week was good.  However we never met with Elena.  She is the lady from Paraguay.  She had to go to Sevilla for some reason so she didn´t show up to our teaching appointment (I was upset).  But we saw her on the street walking and we talked to her, the Lord put her in our path because we hadn´t talked to her and she told us she was coming to church.  Sunday came around and she never showed up.  We still have her number and we are going to teach her, I know it.  Well Adrian is doing good.  No he isn´t getting baptized this week.  His grandpa is coming the 20th to baptize him, but the mom wants to do it all the way in January.  Adrian´s parents are separated so he has to go with his dad over the Holidays so that´s why we are doing January.  We are going to talk with the Mom and try and do it before he leaves with the dad.  The dad doesn´t like the church so we are thinking it would be better before he is with his dad.  So hopefully the baptism is soon!! So lets see what more happened this week.  Moises is doing good I guess, we are teaching him but I think we just picked up another Juan.  He smokes and doesn´t have a job.  We are trying to see progress with him but who knows.  I have faith but he needs to change a lot of things in his life.  Henry and Paloma are better.  We had a drop talk with them.  I almost started crying when I was talking about Eternal Families.  My voice cracked because I know I can live with my family for  forever, like I can literally picture it, I know it.  It will just be perfect and amazing.  I got good at holding back tears when talking about spiritual things sometimes I break down but not often.  I only cry when I am with Elder Manning talking about spiritual things.  He makes me cry because he´s a baby.  But they said they would be baptized in the future.  I will make it happen soon; they just need a member in there to help push them.  I wish there was someone in the ward to help push things along that would be good friends to them.  I have been thinking so hard for someone but I haven´t found it yet.  So we aren´t dropping Henry and Paloma they are just not progressing that much.  So other than that the other investigators that are new we haven´t been able to really sit down and meet with them.  This last week we got to go to Cádiz and contact for like 2 hours out in the street.  Cádiz is breath taking.  I got to watch the the sun set over the ocean, it sucked. It was all perfect and orange and red and I was with a dude. Oh well I am taking Heather here!  So the weather is freaking!  We leave the house and it´s short sleeve weather and then it gets so cold because it´s humid.  I just tough it out and don´t wear a jacket.  I hate carying a sweater in my back pack.  So I am excited for the packages and hope that I am in Puerto one more transfer, I think I will!  I love you all and hope you get the package ASAP.  But there is stuff you can´t open till Christmas, or if you want to, you can open it soon. 
Love you!  

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