Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

December 31, 2012 - Family Email

Elder Peroni and Malaga in the background
Hello Family Happy New Years,

Okay so my new companions name is called Elder Peroni.  Juan Manuel Peroni and he is from Corrientes, Argentina but, he lives in Taraza, Spain.  He moved here to Spain about four years ago.  He is a convert of four years as well.  He is a good kid and really excited to be here on the mission so that is good.  It is hard for me to get "trunkie" training, because the kid looks at everything I do.  I wasn´t going to get trunkie anyways because I love the mission way too much.  So I already knew I was going to be weird talking to you all on Skype and now I will be only speaking in Spanish the last 5 weeks of my mission so I am going to be a strange guy when I get home haha.
Christmas Eve


Cody's District and some Members

So this last week was a little hard on the work due to the holidays and then on Wednesday Elder Norton had to get all packed and then say good bye to everyone really fast so we didn´t get to teach Wednesday at all.  So then on Thursday I had splits with the Zone Leaders all day because Elder Peroni got here at like 10.  So finally on Friday we got to go and work.  On Thursday actually I got to go and teach the Argentine family and well they aren´t doing so well.  The dad left the house on Christmas day and they almost had to call the cops and everything.  So yeah now we are only teaching the mom and the daughter.  They came to church and they are doing really well.  They obviously didn´t get baptized due to all that had happened this last week.  I feel so bad for them because I love them so much.  We had a really good lesson with them on Thursday and they were crying and all, they love the church.  I think that Micaela went to a young womens activity this last week and really  liked it.  They Spanish family is doing great and they came to church again this week!  They are progressing a lot and they are reading most of the time in the Book of Mormon.  So yes they are still on for the 12th of January and I am positive they will get baptized.  They are doing great.  The Cubans are doing well and we haven´t really had time to talk to them much because of the holidays and we didn´t teach them this last week but they are doing well and about to move so they may move out of our area.  So that is all that has happened this week and we just barely talked.
Sister Nelson (She went to Provo High)

Oh so I was looking at translators for all ya´ll when you come out.  The best ones that I have found that I would have liked in my mission are the CASIO EX-WORD 3100 or the CASIO EX-WORD 4000.  They are the ones for people that are fluent and need all the words.   They are the ones that I wanted my whole mission and that I want for my Spanish class.  My one was great but some times I couldn´t find words that I needed.  I would prefer the 4000 because it is nicer, bigger and only 50 dollars more.
Here is the website:

Training three times in a row is tiring just so that you know but at the same time it is good for me and the kid likes me a lot.  I love you all and I can´t believe that I am 21 years old!  Crazy stuff.  I hope you all have a happy new year today and tomorrow.  Love you all!
PS manning is on the 24th of February at 1:00


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