Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 17, 2012 - Family Email

Our new ZONE
Well we didn´t have any baptisms this week but they will be baptized all together on the 29th, so keep your fingers crossed and pray!  I will talk about investigators in a little bit.  So as you already know I went to the mission home this last week!  Haha no it was really funny I was talking to Hermana Deere about the pictures getting up on the blog because I have called her like 3 times about it!  I was like Hermana Deere I don´t really care about me getting on the blog it´s the mother.  Haha so the next day she literally finishes taking the picture of all the District Leaders and sees me running out of the bathroom and starts laughing and giving me crap!  So she took one of my face all close up!  Good times.  District Leader Conference was great.  I got to sleep in Elder Manning´s piso with Elder Rhees Jackson and we slept in a seperate room and we talked for a while I love Elder Jackson.
ME and Elder Jones on the way to DL Conference.  We met some Asians that spoke English haha they loved us
 So this week I got your package on Tuesday morning, I had just missed it when we went to email last week so I had to wait until Tuesday morning to go pick it up!  I love it so much thank you!!!  I love the Book, ha it kinda scares me though, President Kimball makes me feel like a lot of people are damned or not going to live in the Celestial Kingdom.  As President Clegg say´s and I quote "NOBODY STUMBLES INTO THE CELESTIAL KINGDOM" or "THERE WILL BE NO ACCIDENTAL SALVATION".  Those are my two favorite quotes along with others.  Thanks for the face scrub and the candy even though Heather supplied me with candy for a couple of months!  I have been sharing my candy with some of my close friends!  So I was out of town for two days this week and Alba won't be able to go to the temple this week so we are going to teach them and hopefully get Paqui, Paqui, Alba, Belén and Antonia(HOPEFULLY) baptized on the 29th.  They are all Spanish from Jaén.  That is a lot of Spaniards right there!  We also started teaching a guy that is really good.  He is also Spanish and his name is Juan.  He has come to church for the past two weeks and we finally got to teach him and he wants to get baptized!  He told us he wants to stop smoking and he knows he has to before he gets baptized.  So pray for him and Paqui to quit smoking.  Antonia is still there, not really progressing.  She has her problems and we are hoping that when she sees Alba get baptized it will touch her and make her want to change.  Miguel and Rocio are doing great and they will be baptized on the 28th!  We are just teaching them and they are doing great and it´s reactivating the mom Pilar.  She is great and has desires to stop smoking and find someone to get sealed in the temple with.  She really wants to raise her kids in the gospel.  Blanca taught Relief Society yesterday and she loved it she says. 
This is what I EAT pasta always...it´s cheap and good and I make it
 So probably the coolest thing in my mission happened this week.  It was so simple but the best thing in my mission.  So we gave two Books of Mormon to Rosana and Sebastian and told them to write their testimonies in them and we are going to hand them out to their neighbors.  So Rosana is writing hers and finishes and then Sebastian finishes and his mom reads it and starts crying.  Man I  am crying right now.  That was the best experience in my mission.  I know that the best thing a parent can read or hear is the testimony of their child.  It was the best thing in the world.  Well with that I finished my week.  Everything is going great and I am good and things with the companion are good.  I am just learning patience.  The Lord really wants me to grow up and leave the mission knowing how to be an adult and kind of take care of a kid.  I know the church is true and I love my mission.

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