Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 9, 2012 - Family Email

The Jerez Elders made him a cake
Hello my beloved family,

So this week we kind of had miracles happen to us!!  Finally I am little more content with the work.  You will not believe what happened to us this week.  Well to start of I am running short on time because we weren´t here for P-day we were in Jerez with the district.  We were going to go bowl, but the place was closed so we hung out there and looked around at all the Christmas sales.  So I am glad you approve of the camera because so far I have loved it.  I haven´t received a Christmas package from Heather, that makes me sad and a little scared.  I got the birthday package on my birthday!!  But I was in splits so I was in Sánlucar with Elder Kirkham.  I got to open it on the 4th!  WOW!!  I am amazed for what you all do for me, maybe I should stay out on the mission a little longer. Haha just kidding Jude/Heather.  So the mission President could be the guy, that would be awesome, Elder Forrest is Elder Shavers companion, they are Zone Leaders together.  I got phone calls from Shaver and Elder Manning at 7:30 in the morning Tuesday.  I love them, and really miss them both.  I got to talk to Hermana Clegg too, she is a hyper lady, I love her to death.  I am sorry you missed the call from Hermana Clegg, I tried to warn you!!  Love you mom! 

Blanch, Kirkham, Hafen & Rodriguez at Zone Conf near their year mark
OKay so this week was amazing.  We go to teach Sonya, the African on Friday and something strange happened.  I have been kinda keeping her under the radar because I wasn´t so sure about her.  She has been progressing and really just doing well.  So we get in there and asked if she did her reading assignment, chapter 5 of Alma which is a rather strong chapter calling people unto repentance.  She then told us that she read it 3 times and told us that she is changing and wants to be baptized.  We had a really good lesson of the commandments and the law of chastity.  She said she wants to change and it´s because of this book.  But she has never really told us that she believes it or the church.  So that was that.  Sunday comes around and it´s 10:05 in the morning and we're running to her house to get her for church.  We told her that we were coming by at 10, so she asks us where we are and why we are late.  We laughed and told her we are running from a meeting (which we were).  So we get there and she told she has been waiting outside since 10 and she got too cold and went inside for a little.  So we walked to church and I asked her if she read the chapter I gave her (Enos 1), she said yes.  So right before we get to church Elder Brown told her today is testimony meeting so if you want to share your testimony you can.  She said NOOO WAY.  So we sit down and have a really spiritual meeting and there is about 5 minutes left and Sonya stands up and walks up to the pulpit.  She asks Brother Ortegon (the guy we send packages to) who is a counselor to translate into Spanish.  She starts off saying I have to two things to say to you all about the Book and Jesus Christ.  She said that I couldn´t hold it in any longer I felt like I was going to bust out of my chest.  She starts off saying that the Book of Mormon is true and that I cannot put it down.  Ever time I get some time to read I cannot stop, I have to go back and read and read.  She said that because I know this Book is true, I believe that this church is true.  This book gives me all the answers.  I read and every question I have ever had it´s right here.  She then talked about how she knows that Jesus Christ died for all of us and that through him we can be clean and live forever.  She said because I know that this book is true she just wants to tell everyone about it and she wants to send this book to her family in Africa.  She then ended her testimony.  She said a lot more but I don´t remember all of it.  All I know is that I have never felt the spirit so strong in my life.  I know that the Book of Mormon is true, it changes lives.  I don´t care what people say or think about this book because it´s changed my life and changed the lives of the people around me.  I feel the spirit so strong right now as I am writing this.  The Lord lives and loves me and Elder Brown.  He has worked miracles right in front of my eyes.  We didn´t changed Sonya the Lord did with His words in that Book.  Everyone READ IT.  Sonya is going to be baptized the 21rst of January.  After testimony meeting every single person in the ward attacked her!  haha it was so funny.  They ward loves her.  
San Fernando Zone Conf Jan 2012
So as for the week, it went well, we got 4 new investigators, but two of them left to Madrid.  They are a family of Bolivians, they are awesome and we are sending the missionaries there to go teach them.  Well I need to hurry along and write to Heather and President.  I love you all.  Sorry there is only a little story but it was an experience I will never forget.  The church is true. 
Elder Cody

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