Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 10, 2011 - Family Email

Hello beloved family of mine,
Jude I am sorry; I have been praying for you and your shoulder in Spanish this last week!  I have been praying that you recover fast and all that good stuff!  Mother you are amazing!  Thanks for doing that because those shoes suck!  Elder Rodriguez has the same ones and they did that!  They sent him a new pair of shoes too.  But I wanted the eccos becuase they are still going strong and are not showing any sign of ripping on the insides.  So since we are talking about things that rip or break I figured this would be a good time to tell you that all the way back in Madrid my Mr Mac suit fell apart...the material was horrid and wore out.  I think it´s because the Provo MTC made us wear suits every day all day long no matter what we were doing.  I am sorry!!  So I have been wearing the Texas one for 6 months now when we have to wear them!  Tell Sandy Apostle (my swim coach) hello and I love her! I will want hints on how to get a long distance stroke down for triathalons!
Okay so this week was good.  We worked really hard and we got 23 lessons, that is a high for us here in El Puerto.  I hit 20 lessons once in Cáceres.  Cáceres is different work though and it´s hard to have a lot of investigators.  So this week the investigators were okay.  Petri however is doing super good.  She told us a lot about her past life and I feal horrible.  She is a beast and went through a lot crap with her Ex Husband who is really not a very nice man and it ruined here mind!  She has certain things that scare her like slamming doors and stuff becuase it reminds her of him.  For example we invited her to a baptism in San Fernando like a half hour away by train that the Elder´s there had and getting on the train with the doors and stuff was hard for her to do.  We didn´t ride with her there but on the way back she rode with us and she seemed okay because she feels safe with us.  She told us that she just wants to restart a whole new life and move on.  We told her that it´s this church and after baptism we start a new life with Christ.  She knows that it´s this church and she knows that it´s all true.  She came to church yesterday for the whole 3 hours!  She is awesome and still doing awesome!  Juan is doing pretty good but he wouldn´t come to church yesterday because his shoes hurt his feet.  He is only smoking 1 cig a day!  haha he is funny and a little out of life.  He is 27 years old and acts like he is 7!  Henry and Paloma are pretty dang flakey and not too intelligent, however the wife Paloma has interest in the stuff we teach but has little education like everyone here in El Puerto.  Angeles is doing good she came to church this Sunday.  The Branch President here told us to have caution with her about baptizing her but, Pres Clegg told us to dunk her!  So what do we do??  She likes the church but I truly don´t know if she knows it´s true.  All she knows is that she feels good!  So we are working with her, Clegg told me "Elder don´t have any fear baptizing an old lady that doesn´t know anything, if they can feel BAPTIZE THEM!"  haha.  So that is that.  Claudia is a new girl we are teaching and she is cool a little weird and a few screws loose.  She is 21 and from Bolivia but we had a good lesson with her about how to recieve an answer through the Book of Mormon and prayer.  We are teaching that to Pres Clegg and Hermana Clegg tomorrow morning.  I have been studying really hard for it in Preach My Gospel this week.  I found that I need to still be praying and do the Moroni promise with regularity.  I did so the other day and right as I started asking I felt the spirit instantly.  I did that promise for the first time in Provo and never recieved an answer and I did it again in Madrid after reading 2 Nephi 3 and I recieved an answer!  Now I am in love with the Book of Mormon!  I pray everday after personal study to see if it is true...and it is.  I could never deny it.  It either comes from the devil or God.  God and Christ persuadeth a man to do good and the Book of Mormon does that!  Betty has been sick this week she texted us and told us to call her today, so I am ready and excited to start teaching her again!  Jorge we ran into him in the train station and he told us he is suuuuuper busy and that he is still reading though.  We called him and he still hasn´t answered.  oh well!  If he is a true follower of Christ he will get baptized and follow the church! Well that is all I have this week!  I am doing good and the spanish is improving.  Petri thinks that I speak perfectly but I still lack soooo much! Well I love you all and I hope everything is good!  When do ya´ll go to Texas??  How is my dog?  I miss her!  Well this is my email and I am working hard I can´t believe I have started the 4th week of this transfer!  Time is gone!
Well I gotta go! I love you!

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