Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Monday, August 20, 2012

August 6, 2012

So I have a ton of cool pictures but I left my converter cord home.  This morning we hiked up a mountain and there is a castle there and you can see all of the city of Jaén.  So I promise to get some pictures to you soon, the next week for sure. I need some photos because it has been awhile.  When do you get pics from the wedding?

So things are going great here in Jaén.  We have the last lessons to teach to Sebastian and Nereya.  We need to teach Nereya like 3 lesson and interview her, and Sebastian has like only one lesson left to be taught.  So Sebastian's mother is named Rosana and she bore her testimony yesterday in sacrament meeting and just cried.  She is an amazing woman and I love her so much and her son!  We haven´t talked to the husband yet but in her testimony she said she wants her husband to be baptized soon.  Gosh she is just such a good lady!!  She always gives us drinks and is so happy to see us all the time.  We are teaching a new lady named Ursula that is really good.  She studied with the missionaries like a year ago.  She has a lot of hard stupid questions when all she needs to do is ask God.  She is from some country in Africa but amazingly smart.  She studies here in Spain and works.  She speaks French and perfect Spanish.  She is really cool and I feel the spirit a lot when we're teaching her.  We are also teaching our ward mission leader's wife and daughter.  They came to church!!  They need a lot of work though.  The mom is named Antonia and the 13 year old daughter is named Alba! We have taught them twice now and the mom says no because she hasn´t received her answer.  In testimony meeting it was the best thing in the world.  A lady that is really good friends with Antonia bore her testimony straight to Antonia and thanked Rosana for sharing her testimony.  So hopefully it moved Antonia a little.  I am not sure why but Alba is super nervous about baptism or something.  We are going to work with her super hard and I am not going to give up.  I am going to be praying for a miracle there with them. 

So training Elder Rojas is the hardest thing I have ever done on my mission.  He is the weirdest person I have met and I love him to death.  However at the same time I want to rip my hair out.  He is unteachable and I can never give counsel.  Elder Shaver tried to talk to him this last week and they ended up fighting on the phone.  He is really special.  Pray for me to have patience please.  I really never have problems with people but this kid is really something else.  I am doing well though no worries and I am happy.  I get to do splits with Elder Shaver this week because Elder Shaver and my companion can´t do it haha.  So things are looking good here in Jaén and we are working really hard.  I am so tired you have no idea how hilly it is here.  I am also working out everyday not because I have six months to be sexy!  I just want my body to be in a little better shape so I can start working out hard when I get home.  I love you all so much and you are great.



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