Elder Cody Hafen's Areas

Elder Cody Hafen's Areas


We will try to keep you updated with Elder Hafen through his letters and with pictures and slideshows. Most of his pictures and slideshows will be posted at the end of the blog. Thanks :)

Cody's Homecoming Invitation

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

February 27, 2012 - Email to Family

Hello family how are you? 
Well this last week was really full and we kicked butt!!  This last week we found 48 futures and 10 new investigators which is pretty good.  The sad thing is that we have found like 1/4 of the futures of our zone which is pretty bad because we have the biggest zone in all the mission.  Well oh well!  So this last week we set 2 baptism dates.  One with Martin who is from Nicaragua for the 17 of March.  He is a super nice guy and really wants to investigate stuff, the thing is that he is a little flaky and didn´t come to church yesterday.  But we see some great progress with him.  He is a reference from the other Elder´s that live more south of Sevilla.  So this Tuesday I did a split with one of AP´s and we set a baptism date with him.  So he going to prepare for this date and if he is ready he will be baptized!  The other one I am super excited about.  Her name is María and she is from Bolivia.  I talked about her last week I think.  However we had a really good lesson with her and she said that she will try and work for this date and she is just amazing one of the best and most prepared people ever.  I hope  that she will just come to church.  We really want a lady to come with us to teach so she doesn´t feel lonely and all that.  She commented in the first lesson I have always wondered what is the true church and why are there so many churches.  So we were like uhhhh Joseph Smith?? HELLO??  So yeah she left the room to go answer her phone and me and Elder Waite were just smiling haha.  So yeah she is getting ready to be baptized, good lady golden.  So this past week we found like 5 new people from Nicaragua nope like 6!!  They are just flooding Sevilla right now.  Last night we went and contacted a girl from Nicaragua and she was awesome!!  She is 25 and married!  Her name is Fatima and are really excited to work with her, pray for her.  This last week we also found a guy from Brazil while knocking on door he answered and instantly said "pasen" which is like commanding us to walk in.  So when someone says that in Spain you book it into their home haha.  So his name is Gustavo and WAY prepared also.  He accent is way funny and I can understand it.  So he prayed in Portuguese and I understood almost every word that was pretty cool too. So that was kinda all our week searching and finding.  This next week we will have a lot of baptism dates hopefully!! 
Elder Cody

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